Recovery Support Services

“The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.” – Ben Stein

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Crossroads Counseling, Inc. is to provide substance abusers with understanding and support during their journey to recovery while helping them gain the skills and resources needed to initiate, maintain, and sustain long-term recovery, which will create a sense of hope and healing in our community by reaching one person at a time.

A CRS works closely with the any  individual in need of supportive services to help accomplish long-term goals with regard to recovery.

A CRS can help you find your pathway to recovery and can bridge the gap between your needs and available resources so you can halt your addiction.


This program may be for you if...
* You are ready to develop a Personal Recovery Plan.
* You feel that you need support throughout the recovery process.
* You would like assistance in building life skills.
* You would like support when accessing various community resources.

Denise Feger, MS, CADCD - Program Director
Karen Ebeling - Certified Recovery Specialist


Download Our CRS Brochure


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